Duo MaxDiff

Determine which messages will work the hardest for you and drive two metrics that you care about, instead of just one

Uncover the motivators that matter

driver prediction

Sometimes you have more than one goal from a campaign. You need to drive perceptions of innovation AND brand, or make sure brand messages don’t negatively impact value perceptions.

We’ve built a solution that allows us to efficiently uncover which benefits or features are the workhorses that can help your organization achieve two goals at once. Developed using the foundation of a MaxDiff, our Duo MaxDiff can be used for any two metrics to help uncover your customers’ true motivations.

From a Duo MaxDiff you understand:

Message prioritization for Metric A

Which statements most strongly drive Metric A (e.g. value)

Message prioritization for Metric B

Which statements most strongly drive Metric B (e.g. brand reputation)

Optimal messaging strategy

Which statements most strongly drive both A and B

Time to tackle that 
thorny problem

Let's talk